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Locus & Site Services


Locus Inspections 

Our UK-wide experts strive to complete locus inspections in a timely manner. When at a locus we will survey and record all pertinent features and, where relevant, conduct further investigations linked to, for example, intervisibility during the hours of darkness, or fields of view that are unique to a certain vehicles. We can tailor our inspections to mirror the collision circumstances.

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Plan Drawing

Following a locus inspection we can prepare accurate scaled plans of the locus. The contemporary software used for creating a scaled plan can also be used to develop the plan from a two-dimensional piece of paper into a three-dimensional scene.

Creation of three-dimension modelling provides the ability to determine likely fields of vision, from a driver’s/rider’s/pedestrian perspective as well as offering the impartial review of a witness’s potential view. We have found that three-dimensional modelling provides direct benefit in cases involving large vehicles, such as LGVs and PSVs, to establish a driver’s potential to see vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists.    

Visualisation & Animation

Using our locus survey or laser scan data, or in the case of previously surveyed or scanned scenes (by the Police) we are able to create visualisations to enable the easy interpretation of what is often complex vehicle/pedestrian movements, prior to or post of a collision event.

We are also able to generate simulations of vehicle movements based upon vehicle EDR data, resulting in dynamics that are reflective of the actual collision, not an interpretation. Visualisations created using EDR data highlight factors such as speed, degrees of yaw, the driver steering, throttle and brake application, as well as the intervention of ADAS systems.


3D Laser Scanning

Capturing data at a locus is imperative. 3D laser scanning enables the locus to be measured from the roadside and captures significantly more data than with a survey. The laser scan data consists of many millions of data points which create a point cloud environment and accurately measure the road geometry, lane markings, vegetation, buildings and any attributable marks from the collision. 

Our experts have extensive experience in laser scanning a locus and processing laser scan data previously obtained by the Police. Using the laser scan data it is then possible to consider the incident locus in three dimensions and integrate this with vehicle models, visibility assessments and CCTV data and utilise this data within a collision investigation.   

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